MPS (Managed Print Services)

Save with simple & secure print management from Sehi!

If your environment is like most your imaging and printing infrastructure probably consists of too much equipment scattered across various locations around your institution. The result is an uncontrolled environment with an inflexible imaging and printing infrastructure, disparate devices and systems, and stress on your resources and budget.

Managed Print Services helps you take advantage of a flexible, scalable, enterprise-class imaging and printing infrastructure that can adapt quickly to business and technology changes. HP offers a scalable portfolio of reliable products, solutions, and services that can be customized to meet your organization’s requirements. MPS can provide the following:

  • Workshops and Assessments
    Help you understand your current usage, find hidden costs, and develop a business case for change
  • Financial and Procurement Services
    Help you manage your lowest total cost of ownership, reduce and manage capital outlay, managing older equipment and simplify hardware procurement
  • Transition and Implementation Services
    Help ensure that the right equipment and software is installed and people know how to use the technologies and new capabilities
  • Management and Support Services
    Enable ongoing ROI through fleet uptime and optimization, support services, and supplies management. You are provided a single point of contact and accountability as well as visibility into usage trends, capacity utilization, and expenditures
  • Document and Workflow Services
    Help automate paper-intensive process for better outcomes